Work History
Additional Information
Work Preference
Hi, I’m

Ross Laura Valentina Gonzalez Nieto

Ross Laura Valentina Gonzalez Nieto


Soy ingeniera agrónoma con amplia experiencia en manejo de cultivos como aguacate hass, platano banano, hierbas aromáticas para exportación. Solidos conocimientos en planeación estrategica, seguimientos a planes de acción, gestión de presupuestos, calidad y diagnóstico en análisis en control de plagas, manejo seguro de agroquimicos, manipulacion de alimentos, gestión de proveedores, manejo de personal a cargo e implementacion de certificaciones.

Analítica, resiliente, flexible, lider de equipos de trabajo multidisciplinarios con facilidades para la estrategia de mejoramiento y crecimiento continuo.


years of professional experience

Work History

Agrícola Pacifico Sur

Líder De Unidad Productiva
01.2023 - 11.2023

Job overview

  • Gestionar la administración del personal (90 personas).
  • Implementar a cabalidad los criterios definidos para la finca que aseguren la calidad y productividad del cultivo.
  • Asegurar la buena gestion y distribución de los recursos del proyecto.
  • Realizar el seguimiento de las actividades en campo.
  • Realizar presupuesto del area de producción.
  • Self-motivated, with a strong sense of personal responsibility.
  • Worked effectively in fast-paced environments.
  • Skilled at working independently and collaboratively in a team environment.
  • Proven ability to learn quickly and adapt to new situations.
  • Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written.
  • Worked well in a team setting, providing support and guidance.
  • Used critical thinking to break down problems, evaluate solutions and make decisions.
  • Developed and maintained courteous and effective working relationships.
  • Demonstrated strong organizational and time management skills while managing multiple projects.
  • Organized and detail-oriented with a strong work ethic.

Camposol Colombia S.A.S

Jefe De Finca
07.2020 - 11.2022

Job overview

  • Proven ability to learn quickly and adapt to new situations.
  • Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written.
  • Worked well in a team setting, providing support and guidance.
  • Assisted with day-to-day operations, working efficiently and productively with all team members.
  • Demonstrated respect, friendliness and willingness to help wherever needed.
  • Passionate about learning and committed to continual improvement.
  • Used critical thinking to break down problems, evaluate solutions and make decisions.
  • Proved successful working within tight deadlines and a fast-paced environment.
  • Developed and maintained courteous and effective working relationships.
  • Managed time efficiently in order to complete all tasks within deadlines.
  • Self-motivated, with a strong sense of personal responsibility.
  • Worked effectively in fast-paced environments.

Camposol Colombia

Supervisora De Sanidad
07.2019 - 06.2020

Job overview

  • Skilled at working independently and collaboratively in a team environment.
  • Proven ability to learn quickly and adapt to new situations.
  • Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written.
  • Assisted with day-to-day operations, working efficiently and productively with all team members.
  • Passionate about learning and committed to continual improvement.
  • Managed time efficiently in order to complete all tasks within deadlines.
  • Organized and detail-oriented with a strong work ethic.
  • Paid attention to detail while completing assignments.
  • Adaptable and proficient in learning new concepts quickly and efficiently.
  • Developed and maintained courteous and effective working relationships.

K- Interprisse

04.2017 - 04.2019

Job overview

  • Adaptable and proficient in learning new concepts quickly and efficiently.
  • Learned and adapted quickly to new technology and software applications.
  • Proved successful working within tight deadlines and a fast-paced environment.
  • Developed and maintained courteous and effective working relationships.
  • Organized and detail-oriented with a strong work ethic.
  • Porduccion de hierbas aromaticas para exportacion bajo estandares organicos.
  • Manejo de personal y manejo eficiente de los recuersos.
  • Used critical thinking to break down problems, evaluate solutions and make decisions.

Grupo Central (Inversiones Banana S.A.S)

Asesora Nutricional
02.2017 - 04.2017

Job overview

  • Proven ability to learn quickly and adapt to new situations.
  • Demonstrated strong organizational and time management skills while managing multiple projects.
  • Developed and maintained courteous and effective working relationships.
  • Learned and adapted quickly to new technology and software applications.
  • Strengthened communication skills through regular interactions with others.
  • Used critical thinking to break down problems, evaluate solutions and make decisions.
  • Paid attention to detail while completing assignments.

Valle del Cauca

Consultor Agrícola
10.2023 - 03.2024

Job overview

  • Skilled at working independently and collaboratively in a team environment.
  • Proven ability to learn quickly and adapt to new situations.
  • Worked well in a team setting, providing support and guidance.
  • Demonstrated respect, friendliness and willingness to help wherever needed.
  • Ayudé a pequeños y medianos productores en asesorias tecnicas para Limón Tahiti, aguacate, platano y naranja valencia.
  • Asesoria e implementacion en certificaciones como predio exportador, BPA, Smeta, Global GAP, RFA.
  • Worked flexible hours across night, weekend, and holiday shifts.
  • Managed time efficiently in order to complete all tasks within deadlines.


Universidad De Caldas
Manizales, Colombia

Ingeniera Agrónoma


  • Problem-Solving
  • Time Management
  • Flexible and Adaptable
  • Critical Thinking
  • Organizational Skills
  • Active Listening
  • Organization and Time Management
  • Decision-Making
  • Problem Resolution
  • Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Excellent Communication

Additional Information

Licencia A2 - B2


Native language


  • Diplomado virtual en Alta Gerencia - Politécnico de Colombia - 2024
  • Liderazgo transformacional - Universidad EAFIT - 2023
  • Buenas practicas en el cultivo de aguacate - Universidad Autónoma de Manizales - 2022

Work Preference

Work Type

Full Time

Work Location


Important To Me

Company CultureWork-life balanceFlexible work hoursPersonal development programsCareer advancementHealthcare benefitsPaid time off


Consultor Agrícola

10.2023 - 03.2024

Líder De Unidad Productiva

Agrícola Pacifico Sur
01.2023 - 11.2023

Jefe De Finca

Camposol Colombia S.A.S
07.2020 - 11.2022

Supervisora De Sanidad

Camposol Colombia
07.2019 - 06.2020


K- Interprisse
04.2017 - 04.2019

Asesora Nutricional

Grupo Central (Inversiones Banana S.A.S)
02.2017 - 04.2017

Universidad De Caldas

Ingeniera Agrónoma
  • Diplomado virtual en Alta Gerencia - Politécnico de Colombia - 2024
  • Liderazgo transformacional - Universidad EAFIT - 2023
  • Buenas practicas en el cultivo de aguacate - Universidad Autónoma de Manizales - 2022

Ross Laura Valentina Gonzalez Nieto