Pediatric interventional radiologist with over 15 years of experience in clinical and hospital settings in Colombia, the USA, and Canada. Self-directed with superior problem-solving, communication, and excellent patient care skills. Successful in managing time, prioritizing tasks, and organizing projects. A leader and a team player who collaborates effectively with other health care professionals and strives for continuous improvement and learning. A passionate, compassionate, and empathic human being who believes that medicine is an art in which science and human interconnection unite to create health and healing.
Dedicated Interventional Radiologist in charge of performing low to medium complexity interventional procedures, patient follow-up and complication management.
Interventional procedures include: vascular access, ultrasound or CT guided percutaneous biopsies, percutaneous drainages, thoracentesis, paracentesis, nephrostomies, diagnostic and therapeutic joint injections, sclerotherapy of vascular malformations.
Pediatric Radiologist at a private outpatient radiology service. Main duties include reporting radiographs, and performing and interpreting ultrasound and Doppler studies in children.
General and Pediatric Radiologist for the Emergency Department during night and weekend shifts. Main duties included interpretation of radiographs, body and neuro CTs, and performance and interpretation of ultrasound and Doppler studies in children and adults.
Privileges granted to perform interventional procedures in pediatric patients, from neonates to adolescents. Procedures included: percutaneous biopsies and drainages, vascular access, thoracentesis, paracentesis, nephrostomies, and sclerotherapy of vascular malformations.
Pediatric Radiologist at a private outpatient radiology service. Main duties included reporting radiographs, and performing and interpreting ultrasound and Doppler studies in children
This position required a combination of diagnostic and interventional pediatric radiology skills. Diagnostic duties included: reporting of radiographs, performing GI and GU special studies, performing ultrasound and Doppler exams and reporting body and neuro CTs. Interventional procedures included: percutaneous biopsies, drainages, vascular access, thoracentesis, paracentesis, nephrostomies, and sclerotherapy of venous and lymphatic malformations.
Dedicated Interventional Radiologist in charge of the evaluation, planning and performance of interventional procedures, patient follow-up and management of complications. Interventional procedures performed included: temporary and permanent vascular access, ultrasound or CT guided percutaneous biopsies, gastrostomies, cecostomies, percutaneous
drainages, thoracentesis, paracentesis, nephrostomies, diagnostic and therapeutic joint injections, sclerotherapy of vascular malformations and diagnostic and therapeutic angiography.
Pediatric Radiologist at a private outpatient radiology service. Main duties included reporting plain films and performing ultrasound and Doppler studies in children
This position required a combination of Diagnostic and Interventional Pediatric Radiology skills. Diagnostic duties included: reporting of plain films, performing GI and GU special studies, performing ultrasound and Doppler studies and reporting body and neuro CT. Interventional procedures included: percutaneous biopsies, drainages, temporary vascular access, thoracentesis, paracentesis and nephrostomies.
Caffey’s Award: Best Clinical Exhibition
Poster: The Spectrum of Renal Cystic Disease in Children
SPR, Savannah, Georgia. April 2004.
Restrepo R, Ranson M, Daneman A, Fontalvo L.
Chief Fellow
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, July 2004 – June 2005.
Chief Resident
Santa Fe de Bogotá, Bogotá Colombia Clinic, February 2002 – February 2003.
Assistant Professor. Department of Diagnostic Imaging, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. April 2007 – November 2009.
Radiology Quality and Patient Safety Committee, Diagnostic Imaging Department, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. April 2007 – November 2009.
Associated Editor: Colombian Radiology Congress, Memoires, Cartagena – Colombia, October 2001.
Usefulness of Interventional Radiology in Pediatric Urology. "Imaging workshop in pediatric urology: Practical management of ultrasound and interventional radiology". Tuesday, May 25, 2021. Bogotá, Colombia.
Basic Pediatric Interventions in Children. Colsanitas XIII Course of Diagnostic Images: Diagnostic Images in Interventional Radiology, Pathology of Women and Children. February 14 and 15, 2020, Bogota, Colombia.
Pediatric Chest, From Normal to Abnormal: Clinical Cases. XI Colsanitas Pediatrics Congress: Dilemmas in daily practice in pediatric. August 22 to 24, 2019. Cali, Colombia.
Pediatric Interventional Radiology: What can we do? XI Colsanitas Pediatrics Congress: Dilemmas in daily practice in pediatric., August 22 to 24, 2019. Cali, Colombia
Vascular Access in Children. XII Colsanitas Diagnostic Imagining Course: Pediatric Imagining. February 16 y 17, 2018, Bogotá, Colombia.
Vascular Access in Children. Latin American Society of Pediatric Radiology, July 2009. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Trans-Hepatic Central Venous Access in Children: Review of 10 Cases. ESPR Istanbul, Turkey, May – June 2009. Fontalvo L., Hernandez P., Keller M., Kishnamurthy G., Nijs E., Cahill AM.
Untraditional Routes of Imaging Guided Fluid Drainage in Children. ESPR Istanbul, Turkey. May – June 2009. Fontalvo L., Hernandez P., Nijs E., Krishnamurthy G., Srinivsan A., Cahill AM., Keller M.
Spectrum of Renal Findings in Pediatric Fibromuscular Dysplasia. SPR Carlsbad, California April 2009. Srinivasan A., Fontalvo L., Hellinger J., Keller M., Krishnamurthy G., Cahill AM.
Developing Low Dose CT-like Imaging for Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder in Interventional Radiology. SPR Carlsbad, California April 2009. Zhu X., Felice M., Johnson L., Fontalvo L., Krishnamuthy G., Cahill AM.
Percutaneous Retrieval of Intravascular Foreign Bodies in Children as a Complication of Vascular Lines. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. ESPR June 2007. Fontalvo L., Hernadez P., Nijs E., Keller M., Cahill A.
Evaluation of the Benefits and Complications of Retrograde G/GJ tubes in neonates. Hospital for Sick Children. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. SIR, New Orleans, USA, April 2005. Sklaar C, Fontalvo L, Chait P, Amaral J, Connolly B, Temple M, Krishnamurthy G.
Ventricular – Peritoneal Shunt (VPS), Infection Following Retrograde Percutaneous Image Guided Gastrostomy Insertion In Children. Hospital for Sick Children. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. SIR, New Orleans, USA, April 2005. Greenbaum Z, Fontalvo L , Chait P, Amaral J, Connolly B, Temple M. M.D.
Ultrasound Guided Biopsy of Pulmonary Lesions in Children. Hospital for Sick Children. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. SPR, Savannha, Georga, April 2004. ARRS Miami, Florida, May 2004. SIR, New Orleans, USA, April 2005. Fontalvo L, Connolly B., Chait P, Temple M, John P, Amaral J.
Complications of Central Venous Catheters placed under Fluoroscopic and ultrasonographic Guidance vs Those placed Guided by Anatomical References. Clinica Fundacion Santafe de Bogota, 1997 – 2002. Bogota – Colombia. Colombian Radiology Congress, Cartagena – Colombia, October 2001. Gomez R, Fontalvo L, Romero J.
Cahill AM, Ballah S, Hernandez P, Fontalvo L. Percutaneous Retrieval of Intravascular Foreign Bodies in Children. Pediatr Radiol. 2012 Jan; 42 (1):24-31.
Ballah D, Cahill AM, Fontalvo L, Yan A, et. al. Vascular Anomalies: What They Are, How to Diagnose Them, and How to Treat Them. Curr Probl Diagn Radiol. 2011 Nov-Dec; 40(6):233-247.
Fontalvo L, Amaral JG, Temple M, Chait PG, John P. Percutaneous US-guided Biopsies of Peripheral Pulmonary Lesions in Children. Pediatr Radiol. 2006 Jun;36(6): 491-7.
Triana G, Fontalvo L, Monsalve J. Burkitt Lymphoma Presenting as a Post-transplant Lymphoproliferative disorder. Rev Col Radiol. 2001 jun;12(2): 900-7.
Idiopathic arterial Calcification of childhood associated with Porto-systemic shunt Congenital intrahepatic in a premature neonate: case report.
XI Colsanitas Pediatrics Congress: Dilemmas in daily practice in pediatric. Cali, Colombia, August 22 to 24, 2019.
Fontalvo L, Fontalvo E, Putnins R, Rotaru C.
Idiopathic Arterial Calcification of Infancy Associated With Transient Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt in a premature new born: Case Report.
SPR, Vancouver, Canada, May 2017. Fontalvo L, Putnins R, Rotaru C.
Fetal Posterior Fossa Anatomy and Abnormalities: AComparison between 3T and 1.5T MRI. RSNA, Chicago, Illinois, USA, November 2017.
Fontalvo L, Priego G, Hurteau-Miller J, Miller E.
Can 3T Fetal MRI Improve Resolution of Brain Structures. RSNA, Chicago, Illinois, USA, November 2016.
Priego G, Hurteau-Miller J, Fontalvo L, Miller E.
External Jugular Vein Approach For Complete Interventional Treatment of Occluded Upper Extremity Hemodialysis Fistula. SPR. Carlsbad, California April 2009. Fontalvo L., Hernandez P., Keller M
Vascular Lesions in Children: What Are They, How to Diagnosis Them, How to Treat Them. RSNA, Chicago, Illinois, USA, November 2007.
Fontalvo L., Epelman M., Pimpalwar S., Jaramillo D., Hellinger J., Cahill A.
Current Imaging Approach to Duodenal Pathology in Children. RSNA, Chicago Ilinois, USA. November 2004. Ortiz C, Fontalvo L, Oudhane K, Chui P, Daneman A.
Imaging of Small Bowel Injury in Children. RSNA, Chicago Illinois, USA. November 2004. Fontalvo L, Ortiz C, Chui P, Miller S.
The Spectrum of Renal Cystic Disease in Children. SPR, Savannah, Georgia. April 2004. Restrepo R, Ranson M, Daneman A, Fontalvo L. Caffey’s Award: Best Clinical Exhibition.
Radiological Findings of Dyggve Syndrome – Melchoir – Clausen. Colombian Radiology Congress, Cartagena – Colombia. October: 2001. Fontalvo J, Fontalvo L, Fontalvo E.
Congenital malformations of the Hand and Forearm. Colombian Radiology Congress, Cartagena – Colombia. October: 2001. Triana G, Fontalvo L, Freyre M.
Congenital malformations of the Tracheo-Bronchial Tree. Colombian Radiology Congress, Cartagena – Colombia. October: 2001. Restrepo S, Pérez P, Fontalvo L.
Hemangiopericitomas. Report of 3 Cases. Colombian Radiology Congress, Cartagena. Colombia. October: 2001. Bermudez S, Fontalvo L, Monsalve J.
Congenital Abnormalities of the Respiratory System. Colombian Radiology Congress, Cartagena – Colombia. October: 2001. Restrepo S, Pérez J. Fontalvo L.
Poster: Placental Pathology. Colombian Radiology Congress, Cartagena – Colombia. October: 2000. Rivera H, Fontalvo L, Monsalve J.
Nature of Practice: Pediatric Interventional Radiologist
License: 0492
Dates: January 2010 – Active
Jurisdiction: Colombia
Nature of Practice: Pediatric Radiology Fellowship
Registration Number: 78947
Dates: July 2015 – June 2016
Jurisdiction: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Nature of Practice: Pediatric Interventional Radiologist
License: LT000622
Dates: April 2007 – December 2009
Jurisdiction: Philadelphia, Pennsylvanian, United States of America
Nature of Practice: Pediatric Interventional Radiologist
License: 0492
Dates: July 2005 – March 2007
Jurisdiction: Colombia
Nature of Practice: Pediatric Radiology and Pediatric Interventional Radiology Fellowship
Registration Number: 78947
Dates: April 2003 – June 2005
Jurisdiction: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Nature of Practice: Residency – Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
License: 0492
Dates: February 1999 – February 2003
Jurisdiction: Colombia
Nature of Practice: General Medicine
Registration Number: 0492
Dates: June – December 1998
Jurisdiction: Colombia