Work History
Hi, I’m

Jose David Castelblanco Castiblanco

Jose David Castelblanco Castiblanco


Professional in Public Accounting - Finance, proactive and dynamic with more than 8 years of experience in the industrial sector, business and mixed economies. Office Coordinator, I significantly improved the collection/income ratios at Central De Inversiones S.A. - CISA, a company attached to the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit of Colombia. My strong negotiation skills and leadership capacity led to the formation of efficient teams, directly impacting the performance and organizational climate of the company. Knowledge in data analysis and decision making, I stand out for promoting business projections and resolving conflicts effectively.


years of professional experience

Work History

Central De Inversiones S.A. - CISA / MinHacienda

Coordinador De Cobranza
12.2019 - 12.2024

Job overview

  • Implemented project management techniques to overcome obstacles and increase team productivity.
  • Maximize the recovery of outstanding debts incurred by state entities through the use of persuasive, mass and individual negotiation techniques while maintaining professional conduct in all interactions.
  • I selected, managed and trained staff, established and monitored objectives, conducted performance and management evaluations.
  • Creation of new collection policies taking into account changes in the industry with the aim of improving the company's collection rates.
  • Executing customizedpayment plans for clients in financial difficulty, helping them meet their obligations and preserving business relationships.

Adecco / Colombia

Analista De Datos
08.2019 - 12.2019

Job overview

  • Analysis models were implemented for preparing budgets for the vice presidency of business.
  • Improved decision-making processes with accurate data analysis and visualization techniques.
  • Used statistical methods to analyze data and generate useful business reports.

León & Asociados S.A.

Analista Centrales De Riesgo
10.2017 - 07.2019

Job overview

  • Reporting the status of obligations to the financial information centers (DATACREDITO – EXPERIAN,
  • Participation in meetings, committees, working groups, events and other activities that enrich the analysis and management of information.
  • Learned and adapted quickly to new technology and software applications.


Administración Activos De Cartera
07.2017 - 10.2017

Job overview

  • Processing information in the company's internal applications.
  • Generation of reports regarding the reception of portfolios and all documentary issues inherent to the process.

Comestibles Las Americas Ltda.

Asistente Administrativo Y Contable
03.2016 - 07.2017

Job overview

  • Streamlined bookkeeping processes by implementing efficient filing systems and automating data entry tasks.
  • Supported audit preparations by gathering necessary documentation and responding promptly to auditor inquiries, facilitating a smooth process.
  • Demonstrated adaptability by managing additional responsibilities during periods of staff shortages or peak workload.
  • Maintained confidentiality of sensitive financial information, preserving the trust of both employees and stakeholders alike.


Corporación Universitaria Asturias

Especialización En Gerencia Financiera from Finanzas, Negocios, Inversión, Riesgos
01.2025 - Current

University Overview

Universidad Politecnico Grancolombiano
Bogotá, Colombia

Contador Público from Finanzas, Administración, Negocios, Comercial

University Overview

  • Promedio de calificaciones de 4.0

Servicio Nacional De Aprendiza - SENA
Bogotá, Colombia

Tecnólogo En Contabilidad Y Finanzas from Contabilidad, Administración, Negocios

University Overview

  • Completed Coursework: Excel Intermedio, 2015
  • Completed Coursework: Ofimática Básica, 2015
  • Completed Coursework: SIIGO, 2016
  • Completed Coursework: Administración de Recursos Humanos RRHH, 2016

INEM Francisco De Paula Santander
Bogotá, Colombia

Bachiller Técnico from Comercial, Finanzas

University Overview

  • Completed Coursework: Técnico en Operaciones comerciales y financieras, 2014


  • Strong negotiation skills
  • Staff leadership
  • Debt recovery expertise
  • Portfolio management
  • Goal orientation
  • Decision-making
  • Goals and performance
  • Business projections
  • Administration and reporting
  • Conflict resolution


Corporación Universitaria Asturias
Especialización En Gerencia Financiera from Finanzas, Negocios, Inversión, Riesgos
01.2025 - Current
Coordinador De Cobranza
Central De Inversiones S.A. - CISA / MinHacienda
12.2019 - 12.2024
Analista De Datos
Adecco / Colombia
08.2019 - 12.2019
Analista Centrales De Riesgo
León & Asociados S.A.
10.2017 - 07.2019
Administración Activos De Cartera
07.2017 - 10.2017
Asistente Administrativo Y Contable
Comestibles Las Americas Ltda.
03.2016 - 07.2017
Universidad Politecnico Grancolombiano
Contador Público from Finanzas, Administración, Negocios, Comercial
Servicio Nacional De Aprendiza - SENA
Tecnólogo En Contabilidad Y Finanzas from Contabilidad, Administración, Negocios
INEM Francisco De Paula Santander
Bachiller Técnico from Comercial, Finanzas
Jose David Castelblanco Castiblanco