Passionate humanitarian leader with over 20 years of experience in both emergency and development contexts. Committed to continuous learning, I am an experienced analyst and I believe in the power of data and research to support sound decision making. I am a mature, outgoing and inspiring team leader highly adaptable to challenging situations.
Overall management of Jacmel Suboffice and WFP operations in South East region of Haiti. Supervise Sub office staff. Liaise with partners at field level to identify projects where food aid can be employed.
Assist the Country Office in identifying fields of development where food aid can be usefully employed and give assistance in planning, formulating, and targeting recipients for new requests for WFP aid. Assess the need for food in emergency situations, draw up plans for its timely arrival in coordination with government and partners, and monitor the implementation of these plans.
Food security assessments /emergency assessments in the Kivu region.
Develop specific needs assessment tools in order to organize regular assessment in IDPs and refugee sites;
Assist the sub-office in identifying fields of development where food aid can be usefully employed and give assistance in planning and formulating new requests for WFP aid;
Help strengthen programme staff capacities in analysing assessment information and providing clear programme recommendations;
Organize, facilitate and provide regular inputs to the WFP programming unit on the food security situation of beneficiaries.
Management of the post Stan emergency operation.
WFP trainer in EFSA methodology (Emergency Food Security Assessment) within WFP LAC region Food security assessments /emergency assessments/Vulnerability analysis and mapping (VAM surveys).
Monitoring and evaluation of ongoing operations.
Design, implement, monitor, redesign and evaluate projects.
Anthem Award Winner 2023- Gold Category- Best Use of Data Humanitarian action & Services
At the root of exodus: food security, conflict and international migration, WFP 2017; Charting a New Regional course of Action: The complex motivations and costs of Central American migration, Migration Policy Institute 2021; COVID-19 Lockdown and Associated Shocks: Lessons from Farming households' resilience to food and nutrition insecurity in Cameroon, September 2023,World Development Sustainability 3(8):100098