Work History

Grace Bromeier



Dedicated student teacher with a track record of fostering student achievement and emotional well-being, demonstrated during my internship at Louisville Elementary School. Achieving significant skill growth in emergent bilingual students, showcasing leadership and goal-oriented strategies through my Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education Endorsement. Leveraging organizational skills and a goal-oriented mindset to enhance student growth. Excelling in creating inclusive environments, team collaboration and interpersonal relationships.


years of professional experience

Work History

Student Teaching in 2nd Grade Classroom

Louisville Elementary School
08.2024 - 05.2025
  • Gain hands-on experience in various subject areas
  • Support struggling students with targeted interventions, leading to increased academic achievement in challenging areas.
  • Use what I learned from my CLDE endorsement classes to work with emergent bilingual students
  • Built a positive, inclusive classroom environment to create student-teacher relationships
  • Progress monitor regularly and use that information to guide next instructional steps.
  • Continuously expand professional knowledge by attending staff meetings, professional development days, parent-teacher conferences, and meetings.
  • Cultivate positive relationships with administration and teaching staff
  • Currently working on a Student Data Inquiry Project where I have selected a student to work one-on-one with to grow literacy skills and will present it at the end of the school year
  • Currently working on a Critical Inquiry Project with a class friend where we are testing our inquiry question in cycles. We will also be presenting this at the end of the school year.

Practicum Student in 1st Grade Classroom

Practicum Experience at McElwain Elementary
09.2023 - 05.2024
  • Working with emerging bilinguals provided me the opportunity to grow my knowledge on other cultures and languages. I learned to embrace a holistic view of bilingualism, engage in humanizing, anti-racist pedagogies, and design curriculum to suit the needs of my EB students.
  • I observed, participated, and designed my own SEL lessons. This allowed me to see how important social-emotional learning is to students and how critical it is for them to use what they have learned from SEL in their everyday routine.

● I was able to create lesson plans and teach them in small/whole groups with my practicum partner, make mistakes, and reflect.

  • Differentiated a lesson with UDL in mind
  • Did a bilingual case study where I observed and assessed one particular student across the four language domains
  • Learned about Descriptive Review and had a focal student for this


Reading Buddies Program at University Hill
08.2022 - 12.2022

As a CU student in the Education Program, I was offered the opportunity to be a reading buddy volunteer at University Hill. I was partnered with a fourth grade student for the whole semester. We created a great bond and I was able to help her grow her reading skills. I also learned how to support students and get experience in an upper elementary grade.

Child Care Leader

Worked in the Child Care Center at LifeTime Fitnes
05.2022 - 08.2023
  • Learned how to work and care for children ages 3 months-13 years old.
  • Learned how to build relationships with children, as well as manage behaviors and discipline.
  • Facilitated learning games and activities.
  • Developed strong relationships with families, fostering trust and confidence in our childcare program.
  • Supported children''s emotional well-being through compassionate listening skills and personalized strategies for coping with stress or conflict situations.
  • Promoted a safe and nurturing environment by maintaining cleanliness standards and enforcing safety guidelines.


Frontier Valley Elementary School
01.2021 - 05.2025
  • Volunteer and observe at various times throughout the year when I come home for breaks from school
  • I have been doing this since senior year of high school
  • My mom is a teacher so I always go into her school when I can to learn from her


Various Families
01.2014 - Current
  • Played games and read books to young children.
  • Communicated and grew relationships with children and guardians.
  • Organized and cleaned home after playing by straightening up play room.
  • Learned how to give emotional support by actively listening to children and responding empathetically while fostering their problem-solving abilities.


Bachelor of Arts - Education

University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder, CO


  • Positive attitude
  • Organized and efficient
  • Leadership Qualities
  • Patience and empathy
  • Strong work ethic
  • Team collaboration
  • Interpersonal relationships
  • Goal-oriented mindset


Student Teaching in 2nd Grade Classroom

Louisville Elementary School
08.2024 - 05.2025

Practicum Student in 1st Grade Classroom

Practicum Experience at McElwain Elementary
09.2023 - 05.2024


Reading Buddies Program at University Hill
08.2022 - 12.2022

Child Care Leader

Worked in the Child Care Center at LifeTime Fitnes
05.2022 - 08.2023


Frontier Valley Elementary School
01.2021 - 05.2025


Various Families
01.2014 - Current

Bachelor of Arts - Education

University of Colorado Boulder
Grace Bromeier